This weekend, Ben Folds Five becomes part of one of public radio’s most popular shows as Ben joins Peter Sagal, fellow North Carolinian Carl Kasell and the panel on Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me.
Wait Wait is a weekly light-hearted news quiz program in which a panel of columnists, satirists and commentators discuss the week’s serious and strange events in a nutty way that will have you laughing. It’s recorded each week in front of a live audience, usually at the Chase Auditorium in Chicago, though they go on tour a couple times a year. Listeners call in (1-888-WAIT-WAIT) to play games like the Listener Limerick Challenge, where they have to complete a series of limericks about the news, or Bluff the Listener, where the caller has to figure out which of three offbeat news stories is the real one.
The most popular segment, though, is called Not My Job, where a celebrity guest (more…)